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Repositionable Adhesive Repositionable Adhesive
Adhesive that allows for multiple repositionings prior to final gluing.
MTN WEPRO Repositionable Adhesive is a special adhesive for layout and composition work, since it allows multiple replacements during planning work. Provides instant, secure and repositionable joins that do not become brittle over time.
It is transparent, does not wrinkle, does not stain and does not yellow over time.
Repositionable adhesive is transparent, non-wrinkling, non-staining and non-yellowing over time. Some of its uses include the repositionable bonding of light-weight office elements, allowing them to be adjusted repeatedly, or the temporary fixing of patterns while cutting and pinning pieces during the fashion design process, since it is a transparent product that doesn’t leave marks on fabrics.
It may also be applied on porous surfaces, paper, cardboard, fabrics, as well as on smooth surfaces such as plastic and metal sheets, etc ...Documentation
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