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Return Taking Care of Wood with Spray VarnishWood is one of the most common materials for use in everyday life and at home. Its organic nature means it’s also one of the materials that needs the most care, owing to its peculiar way of responding to the passage of time and the elements, from both in the atmosphere and living organisms.
A large number of products in the Montana Colors catalog are suitable for use on wood, especially its paint. From aerosols especially designed for graffiti - such as MTN 94 or Hardcore - to MTN Water Based 300 and even the MTN Water Based Markers. All the products in these ranges can be used directly on wood. The duration of the color is increased when you use a spray primer for surfaces like wood, such as MTN PRO White Primer, or the varnishes we describe below.
You can find three products specifically designed to offer great performance on wood amongst our primers and varnishes: the MTN PRO Teak Oil, the MTN PRO Synthetic Varnish and the MTN PRO Acrylic Varnish, which each boast different advantages.
Firstly, there is the MTN PRO Teak Oil: a transparent mixture of natural oils and resins for wood especially indicated for outdoor objects. Although the product is transparent, its outstanding feature is ability to penetrate the fibers of the wood, enhancing the material organically from the inside. Ideal for maintaining garden furniture, it can also be used to repair damaged wood, after sanding the surface. What’s more, this spray varnish for wood restores the color of wood affected by the sun, as well as protecting against stains and dust.
SYNTHETIC VARNISH: PROTECTION AGAINST CHEMICALSThe all-purpose formula of the MTN PRO Synthetic Varnish is suitable for raw, treated or painted wood. Its versatility means that it’s more than just a wood varnish spray, since it has so many possible uses. Its powerful resistance to chemicals is accompanied by a characteristic that you have to bear in mind. Although the product is transparent, the MTN PRO Synthetic Varnish gives a warmer tone to the wood after application.
ACRYLIC VARNISH: PRESERVING COLOR OF WOOD WITH WITH GREAT HARDENINGThe slight change of color provided by the MTN PRO Synthetic Varnish is not one of the properties of the MTN PRO Acrylic Varnish. Although this spray varnish for wood is not quite as effective in protecting against chemical agents as the synthetic product, the MTN PRO Acrylic Varnish offers optimum hardening with total transparency, preserving the original color of the wood.
Both products are available matt and glossy finishes. As you can see in the video, the MTN PRO Acrylic varnish with a matt finish can be used to protect the entire surface of a wooden object, whether it is painted or not.
In our Primers and Varnishes section, you can find the whole range of aerosols in the MTN PRO range, where you can find products to suit any kind project: from the MTN PRO Glitter Varnish to the ultra-resistant MTN PRO 2K Varnish.
ShareMarch 09, 2021