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Return Discover How to Use Rust Effect PaintRUST EFFECT PAINT
The range of MTN PRO aerosols for decoration and crafts includes a unique product: the MTN PRO Rust Effect Paint. This spray can contains paint that imitates the effect of rust, giving surfaces a rough, brown-toned finish, resulting in the appearance of rusty metal.
In the world of design and decoration, a rusty appearance is an aesthetic technique that is presented as a subtle metaphor for the passage of time. The rustic appearance of rusty objects, such as metal, sheet metal or walls, represents the effect of the forces of nature on man-made structures. Its aesthetics add instant nostalgia and romanticism associated with vintage objects. An oxidized finish can give the object an added meaning, as it becomes an anachronistic element and giving it historical value - even if it is artificial.
On a practical level, the uses of the rusty finish of this metal paint extend beyond home décor. Achieving this effect in a quick and enjoyable way is the most practical solution for all kinds of themed sets, from stage sets for shows to temporary installations of all kinds, like window displays or fashion shoots.
HOW DO YOU APPLY THE RUST EFFECT PAINT?If you’re curious about how to use rust effect paint for metal, it’s simple. You don’t need special instructions or kit to apply the MTN PRO Rust Effect Paint: just your ability to use the spray can. The instructions are the same as for practically all spray paints: clean the surface to be painted, shake the spray for one minute after hearing the sound of the mixing ball and apply in thin and even layers at a distance of about 20 cm, as you can see in the video. As always, we recommend using gloves.
GET CREATIVE FOR GREAT RESULTSTo achieve more realistic rusty effects, you can use the product in as many ways as you can imagine: fading, protecting parts of the object, adding shades of another paint or even removing parts of the rusty layer using solvent. With these tricks you’ll be able to get uneven and therefore more realistic aesthetic. The only limit is your imagination and creativity.
USING RUST EFFECT ON OUTDOOR OBJECTSThe properties of MTN PRO Rust Effect Paint are purely decorative - the paint doesn’t offer extra protection to objects other than the water resistance of acrylic paint. So if you want to make the the finish last longer, for example on outdoor objects, the matt version of the MTN PRO Acrylic Varnish would be the best option to protect your project.
If you want to know more about this type of product, in the Decoration and Crafts section of the MTN PRO range you can find other aerosols for decorative use such as the MTN PRO Granite Effect or the MTN PRO Frosted Glass Efect. The section also includes more functional sprays, such as the MTN PRO Anti-Slip Paint or MTN PRO Seal Coating Paint.
ShareMarch 23, 2021