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Return What Is Erasable Chalk Paint?WHAT IS ERASABLE CHALK PAINT?
Chalk paint is a type of high opacity water-based paint that’s easily removable with water. This quality that makes it perfect for all kinds of temporary applications, from elaborate decorations to functional markings.
This erasable chalk spray product by Montana Colors is a fast-drying paint, with excellent covering power and low odor thanks to its water-based formula.
Despite being an erasable paint, outdoor applications can last for weeks, depending on weather conditions. They can also be varnished for greater durability.
It should also be taken into account that the ease of erasing this product will depend on how porous the surface is. On porous or rough surfaces, we can’t guarantee that you’ll be able to erase it completely, so we recommend first carrying out a test on an inconspicuous area.
This paint is available in ten different colors, including a selection of basic tones as well as silver and gold.
Thanks to its environmentally friendly composition, this paint is suitable for application on natural elements like plants, trees, grass or rocks. The water you use to clean it can be flushed down the drain, and it doesn’t pollute the ground if it filters into the soil.
Thanks to all its characteristics, the chalk spray paint opens up the range of possibilities that spray paint has, with all the advantages that the aerosol format boasts compared to conventional chalk markers.
Temporary marking, whether urban or rural, is the main use of spray chalk paint. The fields of construction, sporting events and signage require a product with temporary results and no impact on the environment. So the MTN PRO Erasable chalk paint is the perfect solution for signage, decoration and temporary applications.
Finally, thanks to its odorless formulation, it’s one of the MTN paints with the most subtle smell.
HOW IS IT USED?To use the chalk spray paint, just follow the same protocol as with all spray paints: shake the container for a minute after hearing the noise of the mixing ball and spray from approximately 20 cm from the surface, altering this distance according to your objective - if you want to paint defined lines, apply fast strokes from a shorter distance, and if you want to cover an object or surface completely, apply thin stokes from a greater distance.
It should be noted that the the product becomes more opaque as it dries.
After painting, we recommend inverting the aerosol and pressing down on the cap until only gas comes out to avoid clogging. If the nozzle is clogged the next time you want to use it, just change it for a new one.
Remember that this can, like all aerosols manufactured by Montana Colors, is recyclable; so we encourage you to dispose of it properly.
This chalk paint spray is classified within a category of the MTN PRO range dedicated to decoration and crafts. There you can also find other spray paints for specific uses, such as paint for appliances and paint for radiators as well as tools for special effects such as the granite effect paint and chrome effect paint.
ShareMarch 22, 2022