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Return "I'm not Usually Unnerved by New Goals". Interview with Aurora Hernández, Shift Manager at MTN HubWe’ve returned to the MTN HUB logistics center to catch up with shift manager Aurora Hernández. This time, instead of delving into strictly work-related aspects, we will try to take a more human approach to this Montana Colors employee, who has formed part of the company's staff for 7 years now.
What exactly is your job title and what does it consist of?
My job title is shift manager. It basically consists of managing staff and distributing their tasks according to the daily priorities. I am like a liaison between several sections of Montana and the HUB operators. Together with my colleagues Jordi Palenzuela and Sergio Salmerón, we make sure we enforce the preparation and safety protocols and try to make our teams as efficient as possible, with the best working conditions.
How many people do you interact with during your work day?
Well, amongst the operators, office staff, some customers, and, depending on my shift, I guess about 25 people.
You've been at Montana Colors for 7 years, is it normal in your line of work to stay at the same place for so long?
It may be that there are people who come for a season, but, in general, I think it is normal. Montana is not a company that looks for temporary staff, unless it is for the summer.
How have your duties evolved in these past 7 years?
Oh, quite a lot. I started as an operator, in less than two years I was given the opportunity to be in charge of the night shift and the change to the HUB, managing the three shifts together with my colleagues Jordi and Sergio.
How do you think you have evolved personally? Has your life changed a lot in these past 7 years?
I think I have acquired knowledge about staff management and within my position, I feel that every day is a learning experience. During these years my life has changed, but in the normal way that life does. I like to manage my priorities at all times and I feel more confident.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
My greatest hobby is the sport I play, baseball. For me, it is the best team sport there is. Apart from that, I like to have my leisure time as much as anyone else.
What do you find easiest and most difficult in your professional work?
I worry about not being being professional and that my human side will not let me see obvious things. As for the rest, I'm a very competitive person and I'm not usually unnerved by new goals. There are moments that are a little more chaotic in my job, but I deal with them. Sometimes managing the staff has its stressful moments, but I am a mother of two and, although I have had some disappointments, it is still my job and I try to be as decisive as possible.
Do you think there is a balanced ratio between women and men at the MTN HUB?
I would say so. The truth is that gender has no influence on this job and both sexes are equally valid.
Which work colleague would you take with you to a desert island?
What a question! Well, I imagine that this question is to assess which person I consider more cut out for a situation like this or maybe with whom I think would make a better team. Choosing just one person is a bit uncomfortable for me because to be honest it is not fair considering that there is more than one person that I blindly trust. They are reliable, decisive and with beautiful personalities. But if you are asking me to say just one person, that person would be Dani Caurel, charismatic with an impeccable sense of humor. It is almost impossible to argue with him because of his high sense of empathy and, in addition, I know he is not a big eater and perhaps, there would not be as many issues with food hahaha.
Tell us an anecdote that has happened recently at "the HUB".
You’ve really got me here! This question is like if you ask me to tell you a joke, I know a lot, but my mind has gone blank.
I also have the feeling that since we have been at the HUB, time is going by a lot quicker and I am just keeping up with it.
ShareNovember 13, 2023