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Return An Interview with Marta Bascompta, Quality, Regulatory Affairs and Environment ManagerIn an industry as complicated as making paint, the role of quality control is vital. It’s not just about making sure that the can that reaches your hand is up to scratch – it’s also taking responsibility for every step of the process. So that everyone who buys an MTN aerosol can be sure that the company is doing all it can to reduce its impact on the environment with a product that is safe to use.
The person in charge of this fundamental task is Marta Bascompta, who took the time to answer a few questions for us.
Hi Marta! Can you tell us what sort of thing a person in charge of quality management, environment and regulations does?
Basically, they’re responsible for ensuring that quality management reaches all members of the company. Quality is not only the responsibility of senior management or middle management, but also involves the whole workforce.
With regard to the environment and regulations, the role requires a more focused approach to identifying the applicable legislation, as far as the environment is concerned: waste management, dumping, emissions and the consumption of natural resources that the company is responsible for.
My position means implementing and maintaining the quality and environmental management system, based on the core values of continuous improvement and progress in environmental performance, maintaining the relevant necessary certifications.
In layman’s terms, what are the ISO 9001 and 14001?
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standards are voluntary, international standards that set out the criteria to follow in a specific field and are designed to guide the management of a company in its different areas. There are currently thousands of standards, which include quality, the environment, health and safety and the food sector.
ISO 14001 sets out the guidelines that must be followed to implement an Environmental Management System (EMS). The environment must be INTEGRATED with the other strategies like quality, HR, security, production and sales.
ISO 9001 is a standard for quality management systems (QMS) that focuses on all the elements of quality management that an organization must have to have an effective system to manage and improve its products and services.
What skills do you think are needed to get a job like yours?
Most of all, you should like subjects related to regulations. You need to be organized, methodical, analytical and a good communicator.
Do you think that your job is vocational or only requires effort and training?
A vocational job would be a writer, painter, or dancer.
Most people choose subjects that they feel the most affinity for. I’ve always been more interested in science and nature-related topics, although I’ve always liked philosophy as well. But effort, dedication and continuous learning are always important - especially staying on top of legal issues that are constantly emerging and new regulations that must be understood and interpreted in order to implement them properly.
Have you always held your position since you joined Montana in 2010?
When I entered 2010 my role was quality management, environment and risk prevention. When I came back from having my first child, my substitute stayed on at Montana to focus on risk prevention and I focused more on regulation. As the business grows, more material and human resources are needed.
Which departments do you have the most contact with?
A person in charge of quality control, environment and risk management is in contact with every department in the company, because they have to audit each one every year.
The ones I have the most contact with are production and waste management. I talk to the technical department about formulas and safety data sheets. I deal with marketing on the topic of labeling. To them, I’m the “creativity destroyer”, as I always overwhelm them with issues of regulations, pictogram sizes and more phrases on the labels that take up space on their designs.
What do you like most about your job?
I like dealing with multiple areas, you're not just focused on one thing. But you have to like the field of regulations, otherwise it can be pretty boring.
Waste management is very interesting: separating it properly, looking for suitable management routes and budgeting. Waste must be reduced, recycled and reused as much as possible. It’s everyone’s responsibility to look after the environment and ensure the viability of the business.
On an emotional level, what does working at Montana Colors mean to you?
Continuous learning. Montana is a very dynamic company, and there are constantly changes and new regulations are emerging that need to be interpreted. Panta rei. Everything flows, everything changes.
Although I’d sometimes appreciate a bit more calm, so that we can be a bit more organized at work.
Do you ever use MTN products?
Basically the Water Based paint and the odd can of metallic paint to do some school projects with my kids.
I persuaded my neighbors in the building to let us do some graffiti in the entrance and a workmate from Montana, Eduardo Mier, did a really cool piece with Water Based paint that’s still there. Our lobby is the most original one on the street.
What level of interest do you have in graffiti or art?
I've loved drawing since I was a child, I went to drawing classes from the age of three to 17 and I remember it very well. Now I'm drawing with my kids again, and I'm still pretty good.
If you weren't working at Montana Colors, where do you think you’d be?
Well I guess at another company taking care of the environment. The environment is everyone's business!!
This interview forms part of #mtnwomensmonth, which celebrates the role of women at Montana Colors and the creative industries that use our products. Read interviews with Managing Director Olga Fuentes here, Shop Coordinator Elena Ramirez here and Gallery Curator Anna Dimitrova here.
ShareApril 12, 2022