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Return "We Have a Certain Responsibility Towards Our Youngest Customers", Interview with Brenda Torrent, Employee of Montana Shop Barcelona - BornBrenda Torrent has become an icon of the Montana Shop Barcelona - Born after more than 11 years working as a shop assistant: the rappers Pimp Flako and Kinder Malo even dedicated a song to her. With no disrespect to her colleagues, Brenda’s particularly approachable personality is one of the pillars on which the personality of the first official Montana Colors shop is built. Today, this store has established itself as a must-visit and a meeting point when it comes to Barcelona’s street culture.
What are the best-selling products at the Montana Shop Barcelona - Born?
Basically spray paint. The 94 is the most commonly bought in large quantities, probably for large projects or jobs, while the Hardcore has more customers but in smaller quantity purchases.
The shop is located in what we call “Espacio Barcelona” as it is attached to the Montana Gallery and the Montana Café Restaurant. What are the disadvantages and advantages of this?
I don’t see any disadvantages. I don’t see any downsides. Everything is better because it’s a meeting point. Among other things, colleagues from the company who work in Barcelona come to the café and we can share and compare views of all kinds with them.
The gallery, on the other hand, is an incredible space that also attracts a lot of people. Perhaps it would be a good idea for the workers to propose artists to exhibit, as we know a lot of people who could be interesting.
You are the longest-serving shop assistant at Montana Shop Barcelona. Is there a secret to staying motivated and still being happy to serve such diverse customers?
When I started here I was not a graffiti writer. When I came here I started to get to know a new world that to this day has never ceased to surprise me. Coming here every day is an adventure for me because every day different things happen. I have fallen in love with this. What’s more, I really enjoy working with my colleagues. I feel very privileged to work with very different people who I admire and who bring a lot to my day-to-day life.
What can you tell us about your interaction with customers?
Well, for example, you see the younger ones grow up and you inevitably end up being part of their lives and their personal development. In a way, I think we have some responsibility because the shop. On top of being a point of reference, it is a place of contact and dialog between people who share their concerns and also their problems. In this way, with the youngest customers, we try to have a slightly paternal relationship to help them in their human development at an age that can sometimes be delicate.
What other profiles come to you besides young graffiti writers?
Well, from people who want to paint a piece of furniture or household items, to professionals who discover more about the world of aerosol than they could have imagined. There are also random customers who end up becoming part of our day-to-day work.
What is the environment in the shop like?
For example, we have a very good relationship with the workers who deliver butane. When the weather is bad, they take refuge in the shop and give us change for the till. We also get on very well with the neighboring Venezuelan food shop, with the community of neighbors who are always attentive when there is a problem and leave us presents at Christmas. We are like a family. We could end up creating a shopping center on Calle Comerç.
In all these years, what major evolutions and changes have you seen?
Apart from the customers, who range from children to adults and grow, at a company level I have been very surprised that, over time, wherever you go, everyone knows Montana. That makes you feel quite proud of the work you have, where they take care of you and make you feel unique.
Are there any difficult customers?
Over time you end up having a close relationship with even the most difficult customers and you grow fond of them.
Do you maintain friendships with any employees who are no longer working with you?
Yes, of course, with that one woman... What was her name?
Do you feel that the shop workers are in a different position compared to the rest of the company?
We feel a bit bad that we can’t be part of many events because we always have to be here on the front line, come rain or shine.
Any particularly peculiar anecdotes?
There are many... One day a bottle of ink burst on my head and I was turned completely silver. But one of the funniest stories happened recently.
For many years the sidewalk in front of the door to the shop has been slightly uneven. When it rained there would be a big puddle. A short while ago, some city workers came to redo the sidewalk just a few meters from the Montana Shop. Since they had marked the parts of the sidewalk to be redone with white spray paint, my colleague Alain took a white Hardcore and made a few extra markings on the uneven section at the entrance to our shop. The next day the city workers unwittingly fixed the hole and ever since there is no puddle when it rains.
ShareFebruary 20, 2023