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Return Henxs, and the secret of MTN Shop Amsterdam's successThe MTN Shop in Amsterdam is a standard-bearer for the company's objectives. The quality and commitment of the store in the Dutch capital has grown and advanced with it. It has been able to adapt to the times with the same character with which it began its journey in the past. It is more than likely that the success of this store is due to several factors, although we believe that the presence of Henxs, at the helm of the project, and Nick and Jeroen in the store, are the main reasons. We don‘t have any real proof of this, but just take our word for it. And in this interview, he reveals the secret of his good work.
From the origins as a spray paint outlet to the present day, can you give us a summary of the changes over the years?
In the beginning we only had aerosols intended for industry and automotive hobbyists. There was nothing else. I saw the first fatcaps.
All this has changed. The artists' opinion has been taken into account and low and high pressure paint cans were introduced. Obviously, the commercial sector has also been adding to the interest in these products. Except for the end use of the product, from our side everything is sorted.
The evolution could be compared to that of the Neanderthal with respect to artificial intelligence. Or from birth to adulthood.
From the flea market to the MTN store.
The market was tough, the people were more hardcore but they slowly softened up a bit. The spectrum of the aerosol can user has grown and broadened, and now there are also fine art/hobby users etc.
Can you explain to us what peculiarities MTN Shop Amsterdam has in comparison with MTN stores in other cities?
Every country, even every city, has its peculiarities. We are the capital and people often think that, for that reason, they know more. This is often not the case and you have to be open to that. In addition, we get clients from all over the country and from all over the world. We distinguish ourselves by our knowledge and honesty towards the customer. This means, on the one hand, thinking together and, at the same time, freedom of choice.
To what extent do these peculiarities affect the local scene?
We are not concerned about what the customer does with their spray can. We are in the store to advise them on the products, although sometimes, customers ask for the color they should use. We don't decide for them, we can't tell them the color, style, etc. Painting with a spray can is the same as writing by hand and is different for each person. Of course we advise them if someone is going to paint with a spray can for the first time.
What is the store's regular customer like?
Everyone is different, so it is difficult to answer this. Of course, over the years we get to know people, from teenagers to men/women with families who have been coming for years or come back after a while. In addition, there are still young, excited people who discover the magic of the spray can. These people usually remain customers, although some of them disappear after a while.
How do you see the present and future of the urban art scene in the city?
It's about anticipating the customer, listening to what they need. More and more people want environmentally friendly products. On the other hand, we come from the graffiti scene, and of course, we must continue to appreciate that, although due to the evolution of the aerosol can, we are reaching more and more people. Here, too, we will have to listen, process and satisfy customer demand.
I can't say much about the evolution of the urban art scene. Our specialty is to have good products and good information about them. Listening and responding. This is what we have been doing for years and that's why we have a steady group of customers. Also, we have more and more customers of all kinds and that means we can also compete with other brands.
How has the graffiti writer, the urban artist and the settings in which people paint changed over the years?
That cannot be predicted. However, the opportunity for change can be offered by a good product. If the product is good, customers will stay.
How have you changed, you yourself being an institution?
It's really quite simple. It's about not seeing ourselves and our great team as an institution. It's about going to work every day with the same enthusiasm. Over the years I have always created a good team. Also, you grow naturally with the evolution of aerosol and the company you work for. If you are good to the customers, the customers are good to you. You have to be open to ideas, to advice, and to listen. And finally: don't take life too seriously.
Can you tell us a funny story that happened to you at the store?
It is impossible to single out one story from these 25 years. One nice thing is that all the guys and girls who have worked in the store have met their partners here, gotten married and had kids. I can remember at least 5 who have met someone who writes graffiti, got together and had kids.
In your life, before you had the store, did you have a penchant for anything artistic or graffiti?
No, there was nothing, I started working in the market, I met the writers and I liked their way of seeing the world. I didn't want to work in what I had studied, so the work I did during my studies ended up being my life's work.
Tell us who is your favorite band.
I don't have a favorite band or artist. Today my favorite band is Oasis (because they've decided to start touring again). Yesterday it was Stevie Wonder, the day before A tribe Called Quest. And the day before Keith Jarret the Koln Concert.
Tomorrow it could be Pink Floyd or James Brown. It depends on the mood I'm in that day and the time of year.
ShareSeptember 06, 2024CategoriesCategories10669