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Return Discover the Advantages of Water Based PaintWATER BASED PAINT; WHAT IS IT AND WHAT ARE ITS ADVANTAGES?
All types of marketed paint can be classified according to their formulation. As its name suggests, water-based paint consists of an aqueous formulation which, due to its nature, has different features compared to other types of paint. At Montana Colors, this kind of paint is present in the MTN Water-based spray range, in the Acrylic Marcador range and in the Water-based Paint can format to refill markers or apply with a brush.
Although the formulation of this type of paint contains water, this does not mean that, once it has dried, it remains soluble in water. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that the result of its application can have the same durability as other types of paints that we mistakenly consider to be more resistant, such as synthetic paint.
1-Sustainability and healthiness.
The polluting and harmful effect of water-based paint is much lower than with other more traditionally used types of paint. Thus, this paint option would be the perfect choice if our environmental or health awareness demands it.
2-Reliability and resistance.
The wide versatility of water-based paint, which can be used both indoors and outdoors, shows that it is a type of paint that offers great reliability and resistance.
Thus, it can be applied on an array of surfaces: wood, metal, glass, plastic, EPS, cardboard ... It is therefore suitable for artistic, decorative or repair work, as you get optimal results in any of them.
3-Easy repainting.
In this regard, it should be noted that not only does water-based paint dry quickly, but this also happens in a more homogeneous way than in other types of paints. Therefore, unexpected reactions are much less common. That is why, in situations where synthetic paint may crack or crackle, water-based paint will not react in this way.
Thus, this paint offers unparalleled versatility, allowing it to be combined on different surfaces, such as canvas or mural painting.
4-Low odor.
Spray paints usually produce a strong, distinctive odor. In the case of water-based spray, this olfactory impact is drastically reduced thanks to the absence of solvents. Thus, water-based spray paint offers extra comfort for indoor use.
Therefore, water-based paint is the most suitable for all projects that are carried out indoors, such as studio work or interior decoration.
5-Pigment quality.
The pigments used in MTN water-based paint products are of the highest quality on the market, and, among other things, as you will be able to see, the opacity of all MTN water-based paints is remarkably effective.
Thus, water-based paint offers a highly satisfying painting experience, hence making it very enjoyable.
6-Easy to dilute and mix
As you can guess, water-based paint can be dissolved in this medium before its application, which allows us, therefore, to easily decrease its viscosity and increase its transparency. In turn, it also allows you to mix different colors to create new shades, both before and after application.
Thanks to this feature, we can create watercolor, dripping or blurring effects with a brush.
ShareJanuary 19, 2023