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Return CURIOSITIES AT THE MONTANA COLORS FACILITIES: THE WORK OF PICHIAVOThe various Montana Colors facilities have some curiosities that you wouldn't expect to find at a paint factory. So we’d like to share some of these little details with you, which will give you a taste of our brand’s personality.
Montana Colors is a brand focused directly on the most creative part of people. For this reason and because of the unconditional support we provide to the world of graffiti and urban art, our facilities have a good handful of pieces by graffiti artists and writers spread all across different spots.
One of the most recent additions is located at the Montana Basics plant, the warehouse where we treat the paint in its liquid phase and where our laboratory is also located. Specifically, on the stairs leading up to the office is where we find a piece by the PichiAvo artists.
PichiAvo is a tandem of Valencian artists, coming from street graffiti, whose artistic maturity has led them to be one of the most representative names of Iberian street art. From the fallas of Valencia to walls around the world, this duo has managed to project their artistry in a huge variety of formats and events.
Their works are an explosive mix of the aesthetics of vandal graffiti and the classic beauty of Greek sculptures. These pieces become interesting reflections on the historical evolution of Platonic concepts such as beauty, art, and even good and evil. All this with a huge leap between the origin of civilization and the contemporary era.
Since spring 2017, the Montana Colors facility has proudly displayed our very own PichiAvo artwork, with its striking figures and scribbles that dramatically color the entire perimeter of the Montana Basics staircase.
"If you like painting so much, do it on your own house," the adversaries of this kind of art tend to say…and this is just how we like it.ShareApril 20, 2020